Upload to AWS static doesn't run

I have a domain up and running and using AWS S3 to upload jekyll static page currently in use. While updating yesterday nothing was affecting the internet URL from AWS. Local host is fine. Loaded _file manually as i have been but now nothing is happening. I deleted all my postings within my bucket in AWS and reloaded a fresh test database from local host and again 404 error

error message at URL is

404 Not Found

  • Code: NoSuchKey
  • Message: The specified key does not exist.
  • Key: index.html
  • RequestId: A40CAA4C46420841
  • HostId: 5QbuB/WQVmDcwD94KuZl1Y+cdxITjHjjhLGfMC80C1Ij4lHW26IYHOyDlAIBr0N9SjzY4E2tILA=

An Error Occurred While Attempting to Retrieve a Custom Error Document

  • Code: NoSuchKey
  • Message: The specified key does not exist.
  • Key: 404.html

appreciate any pointers as i did have it up and running for months but suddenly any additions updated on local host successfully and then uploaded (_site folder) had no effect on website.

www.naturesnavigator.club is the website



did you upload the actual _site folder, or its contents? you probably want just the contents.

you need to delete the whole folder and just put the contents there.

And that was my mistake… thanks so much… i haven’t been here for a long while and updating the posts was missing this step in the process… thanks again.

I’m back in production now… again thanks… Next i need to learn to use Github to facilitate postings… thanks again