Why does AWS Amplify mangle my static site?

First, let me say that I’m not a webpage designer. Far from it. I’m an embedded engineer. :sunglasses: But, I’ve been using Jekyll to try and create a static webpage. In addition, I’m using AWS Amplify to deploy the webpage. I think that I have the process down. But, my page gets mangled when going from jekyll serve to Amplify.

I started from using the Jekyll clean theme. Works great when I look at it from jekyll serve . Yet, when I look at it from my Amplify URL it looks really bad…

I could really use some insight into where to look for why this problem happens… Seems like something easy but this is all so new to me…

looks ok to me, did you fix it? the home page looks like it doesn’t have any content but the sidebar looks good.

Curious what Amplify does for you that S3 + Cloudfront doesn’t?