Overview section does not display

I have been staring at this for hours and can not get it to work. Any idea why the overview does not display? There are no build errors.

  • title: HANA Tooling
    output: web

    • title: Testing
      url: /testing.html
      output: web

    • title: HANA Tooling Cloud Engineering
      url: /sre_team.html
      output: web

    • title: Cloud Regions
      url: /cloud_regions.html
      output: web

    • title: Documentation Team
      url: /documentation.html
      output: web


      • title: Overview
        output: web

        • title: Environment Testing
          url: /environment_testing.html
          output: web

        • title: QMS - Automation Central
          url: /automation_central.html
          output: web

        • title: Training Videos
          url: /videos.html
          output: web


      • title: Additional Setup
        output: web

        • title: Preparing your machine
          url: /set_up_your_environment.html
          output: web

        • title: Install HANA Client Tools
          url: /setup_hana_client_tools.html
          output: web

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Can you share a repo link? That would be a lot clearer.

Not enough info to debug.

Is the overview file and files not showing up as build directory? Is it missing from site.pages? Is it missing from the navbar?

Thanks very much for your reply but the link is not public so sharing it wouldn’t help :slightly_frowning_face:

What I did to resolve the issue was to have content underneath the overview instead of immediately going into the sub folders.

Again… thanks for the response though.
