Mapping values are not allowed in this context at line 50 column 13 -- Resolved

Line 50 contains overview… Crap … where is the title tag?

Here is my yml file:

This is your sidebar TOC. The sidebar code loops through sections here and provides the appropriate formatting.


  • title: sidebar
    product: QE Documentation

    • title: Overview
      output: web

      • title: Welcome
        url: /index.html
        output: web

      • title: QE Helpful Information
        url: /qe_helpful_information.html
        output: web

      • title: Contribute to this site
        url: /contributing-to-site.html
        output: web

    • title: Common Setup & Tools
      output: web

      • title: VDI Creation and Usage
        url: /vdi_creation_and_usage.html
        output: web

      • title: Create a Bugzilla
        url: /create_a_bugzilla.html
        output: web

      • title: Request Permission to Download SMP Files
        url: /smp_download_permission_request.html
        output: web

      • title: Setup Git and GitHub
        url: /working_with_git_github_enterprise.html
        output: web

    • title: HANA Tooling
      output: web

      • Overview
        output: web

        • title: Testing
          url: /testing.html
          output: web

        • title: HANA Tooling Cloud Engineering
          url: /sre_team.html
          output: web

        • title: Cloud Regions
          url: /cloud_regions.html
          output: web

        • title: Documentation Team
          url: /documentation.html
          output: web

        • title: Environment Testing
          url: /environment_testing.html
          output: web

        • title: QMS - Automation Central
          url: /automation_central.html
          output: web

        • title: Training Videos
          url: /videos.html
          output: web

There are no tabs and I can not build at all. Any help is appreciated.


The very last line subfolders: could be the problem… Remember, YAML is very sensitive about indentation and rogue entries

There is content underneath that last subfolders: that was displaying just fine. I finally figured it out.
You can not have subfolders and then subfolderitems as the next level. There needs to be at least one item under subfolders.

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