TOC collapses when accessing a subfolder

Having some issuesā€¦ Here is my tooling_sidebar.yml (note: only the offending section will be displayed, there are no errors when I build but the issue exists in my test serveršŸ˜¢ ). Any help would be appreciated.

  • title: IQ
    output: web

    • title: Set up Git and Logging Bugs
      url: /set_up_git_logging_bugs.html
      output: web

      • title: How To
        output: web

        • title: Install IQ on a Test Machine
          url: /set_up_iq_machines.html
          output: web

        • title: Connect to an IQ Linux Machine
          url: /connect_to_linux_machines.html
          output: web

      • title: Processes
        output: web

        • title: Run dbtest
          url: /run_dbtest.html
          output: web

        • title: SP or PL Testing -> Clicking on this one in gh_pages collapses the TOC
          url: sp_pl_testing.html
          output: web

        • title: MPX Testing > Clicking on this one in gh_pages collapses the TOC
          url: mpx_testing.html
          output: web