Edit me not working each page

I don’t know what to see my github_editme_path

This is in my _config.yml

github_editme_path: hana-tooling/qe-info.github.wdf.sap.corp/blob/master/

This is what it gets resolved to:


for the working with github enterprise page. -> Not Found

Any help would be appreciated.



It would be nice if you shared a doc you’re following or link to plugin you are using

See if you can build a url like this by hand or by template so you have a working case

<a href="{{site.github.repository_url}}/blob/gh-pages/{{page.path}}">Edit this page</a>

From https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-help/issues/5

Then you can use that as part of a layout so its added everywhere


Totally agree Michael. I should have made it easier to get help. I had the edit github_editme_path my _config.yml because it was pointing at the master branch and then I changed it to gh-pages.

The problem is resolved.

Nice Bro Nice Bro Nice Bro Nice Bro Nice Bro Nice Bro Nice Bro