Welcomments - Pre-rendered static HTML comments for Jekyll websites with optional Javascript

Hi there, everyone!

I’m Iiro and I’ve been working on a comment system called Welcomments for a while now. It’s a comment system that specializes in websites built with static site generators such as Jekyll, Hugo, and more.

Welcomments connects to your GitHub repository and commits every incoming comment as a JSON file to your Jekyll site’s _data/ directory. If you’re using Netlify, every commit to the main branch triggers a new Jekyll build, which then regenerates all the posts and comments as static HTML.

The end result is a blog post that contains comments from your readers as 100% static pre-rendered HTML. There’s a live demo of this on the website.

Some of you might think “hmm, this seems just like Staticman!” - and you wouldn’t be too far off.

Welcomments is essentially like Staticman but as a batteries-included, easy-to-setup service, with extra features. I’ve made the setup super easy with a pretty neat installation wizard, prebuilt CSS, and an optional Javascript snippet for better UX.

Other features include:

  • super easy, less than 2 minutes guided setup process
  • strong built-in spam prevention
  • email notifications for new replies
  • full customizability, no JS required (but recommended)
  • some cool stuff on the horizon :slight_smile:

It will be a paid service, but right now, as I haven’t implemented payments yet, it’s free. I’ll give early users (this could be you!) a good deal once it’s out of beta.

I’d love it if some of you could give it a try and let me know what you think. :slight_smile:


Thanks for sharing. Is there some kind of system like on WordPress to have comments go through approval before appearing publically?
Good to see you have spam detection already.

Is there some kind of system like on WordPress to have comments go through approval before appearing publically?

Funny you should ask that - I just launched the manual moderation feature 5 mins ago :slight_smile:

If enabled, every comment will appear in the “moderation queue” tab in the Welcomments console and no comment goes public unless you explicitly approve it. Would love to get some feedback from you on it!

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