You’ll need to tinker with the CSS some more to make the sidebars clear the masthead.
Easiest way to determine what you need to modify is fire up your browser’s web developer tools and start inspecting elements.
If you inspect the .masthead you’ll see it has a height: 65px. You’ll want the sidebars’ top margin to be >= this value (ideally more to give you some extra space).
For the sticky sidebars add:
.sidebar__right.sticky {
height: 75px; // 65px plus some additional pixels, modify to your taste
I added the lines you suggested in the main.css file. This file now looks like:
# Only the main Sass file needs front matter (the dashes are enough)
@charset "utf-8";
@import "minimal-mistakes/skins/{{ site.minimal_mistakes_skin | default: 'default' }}"; // skin
@import "minimal-mistakes"; // main partials
.sidebar__right.sticky {
height: 75px; // 65px plus some additional pixels, modify to your taste
Nothing changes, the sidebar and the TOC still go under the top bar when scrolling the page. I’ll try to find an other solution. Thanks.