How to get two-column layout with TOC in Minimal Mistakes?

I have a page with a complex table of contents with three levels of nesting and no author_profile. The main content is unnecessarily constrained to the middle column, while the left column is just wasted space. I would like the content to fill two columns instead of just the middle one. I’ve seen from that I could create a custom menu on the left side by duplicating lots of content, but I think this will turn into a maintenance headache.

Would I need to customize the theme to get what I’m looking for?

Using this front matter:

author_profile: false
toc: true
classes: single

Here’s the relevant part of my _config.yml:

>   - scope:
>       path: ""
>       type: pages
>     values:
>       layout: single
>       classes: wide

Yes you’d need to customize some CSS to do what you want.
Each of the columns are floated right. If you change that to float: left and then remove the negative width on the main content that leaves room for a TOC column you’ll get the results you want.

I suggest inspecting the elements with your browser’s development tools to determine the CSS you need. Then add that back into the theme (or override it).

For anyone who are navigated here:

Add the following content to the bottom of assets\css\main.scss

.page {
    @include breakpoint($large) {
        padding-right: 0;

    @include breakpoint($x-large) {
        padding-right: 0;