I’m facing some problems while working with Jekyll website (Actually I converted from html5 to jekyll).
The website works fine on my laptop but when I upload it to github it is not taking css, images and javascript from root directory and not showing website correctly.
For blogging and pagination, the style sheet, javascript file and images are not working as it access the subdirectories e.g /news/css/stylesheet.css.
If I add pagination for news then it will give me errors saying /news/css/style.css’ not found.
[2019-02-27 14:55:14] ERROR `/news/css/style-normal.css’ not found.
[2019-02-27 14:55:18] ERROR `/news/2018/12/03/css/style.css’ not found.
this is a common mistake, when you have a project on GH the path to all your stuff needs to have the project name in it, this is what the site.baseurl setting is for, you set that to the name of your project and then prepend the baseurl to all your links.
Well I have updated the links and that works but still there are problems for pagination, how to make them working.
If I add pagination for news then it will give me errors saying /news/css/style.css’ not found.
[2019-02-27 14:55:14] ERROR `/news/css/style-normal.css’ not found.
[2019-02-27 14:55:18] ERROR `/news/2018/12/03/css/style.css’ not found.
can’t really help if we can’t see the repo or the website - best if we can access both. It still sounds like a baseurl issue but I don’t use pagination so not sure.