I am running into a brick wall while trying to Frankenstein a Jekyll theme by adding a Teams and Blog page to what was originally a 1page theme (agency-jekyll-theme). Neither page is able to find the CSS stylesheets, and I’m truly at a loss for what to try. I’ve researched similar problems in StackOverflow, this forum, Reddit, and even chat GPT, but I just need some help. I have a feeling there is a single problematic reference, but I feel that I have tried everything.
your relative urls should start with a slash if you want them to start at the root and then follow the path. Without it I think you start at whatever path you are already on which in the screenshot looks like “teams” which isn’t where the assets folder is.
If you are not using GH pages for hosting you probably don’t need the baseurl - the baseurl is used if you host on a domain but only from a folder on that domain. So if you want the site to be at /blog then you would need to use a baseurl of /blog but I think that would be uncommon outside of GH pages. GH pages hosts all your sites at yourusername/projectname so the baseurl is your project name.
A link to the live site would be helpful if you need more help. Repo too.
Thank you for the reply! I am using GH Pages to host. I have changed the baseurl, I was coming across a lot of information and got confused baseurl: “DreamMatterLabs.github.io”
This is the correct spot for the slash, right? link rel=“stylesheet” href=“{{ ‘/assets/css/style.css’ | relative_url }}”. I am using that in both my default and teams layout html file.
some of your links are to teams/ which is probably not correct. Your footer looks like it has a bunch of paths that don’t have the /. Use the browser dev tools to look at the console and check each one that has an error and fix them one at a time.
If you host on GH pages but use a custom domain then I think you don’t need the baseurl as you are using your own domain. Baseurl is for GH pages when you use their domain as it ends up as a subfolder of your username.
Thanks again! I found a string of incorrect links and opted to place a banner image where the pages were looking for it due to something funky going on with the image located at “site.logo.path”. Was able to fix all of the 404s, buuuut…
But I uncovered a more problematic issue and have no idea where to start.
I copy pasted my home page HTML into the teams page. I figure it should load all of the same _includes, but yet none are loading on that page. There aren’t any inspector errors this time.
{% include services.html %}
{% include portfolio_grid.html %}
{% include about.html %}
{% include timeline.html %}
{% include team.html %}
{% include clients.html %}
{% include contact.html %}
not sure this is the issue or not but probably - your team.md page is not formatted correctly, I think you need a space after the colon on the first line and then the last one doesn’t have a colon after permalink.
Omg…This solved two huge errors. I can’t tell you how appreciative I am, thank you! I am down to one final issue that I’ve been wrestling with these past few days.
My Devlog/Blog post system is just really tangled up and I’m lost once again.
a “_posts folder” with properly titled posts (none are future dated posts, but I also enabled future in my config).
In my layouts folder, I have both a post and devlog layout.
One of the two posts is showing up but with improper formatting and no nav header. At this point, I’m so close but just completely lost with regards to formatting. Do you have any advice?
Thank you so much rydar! This helped me solved two of the issues, wow. For the past few days I have been struggling to figure out one final thing regarding the devblog/post page. https://dreammatterlabs.com/devlog/.
I used a common Jekyll tutorial (llrb) to get up the devlog.md in my root folder, and post and devlog layout in the layouts folder. I have one of two posts showing without the Navbar not showing up despite it being called in the layout headspace. It’s just so weird. I did get my config file to show future posts, and the two posts in my posts folder are appropriately titled and not set for a future date, but only one is showing. I have a strange .js type error that is triggering, but I think it’s unrelated to the formatting issues. I think that problems are somewhere in the layout files, but I have no idea really.
your layouts look kind of screwed up to me - the devlog one is using the default layout which includes the head - but not the nav. The other layouts seem to include the navheader which has the main nav and then it goes thru the default to get other stuff.
It also looks like you do the nav different in some places.
Try to have the nav be in an include and then include that in the base layout. I try not to have multiple layouts but if I do need them then they all import everything as needed so I don’t have to run them thru multiple layouts.
I would try adding {% include navheader.html %} below the include for the head in the default layout as I would think all pages will need the head, nav and footer. Then you probably need to remove so nav things from some files, one looks like it has it hard coded.
I think the js error is showing cause the nav is not there.
one of your posts only has a date and no title so I would think that is an issue. Also, why are they named .md.md?
There are some great tutorial series on youtube about jekyll, highly recommend you spend a few hours watching them even if they are out of date.
I had wanted a modified header on the team page (the header without a button link to the page) and removed the navheader from the default layout for that reason. This was a messy way to accomplish that goal. I’ve followed your recommendation, and opted for a {% if page.url != “/team/” %} {%- endif -%} statement to the nav header which accomplished the goal! woohoo! A much neater solution.
The .mdmd, lol, was something I added while troubleshooting this problem. Found it in a random help forum post, figured I’d cover my bases. I’ve untangled some of the Spaghetti code now though and am back to a functioning website!
It’s just a matter of a little post formatting now and we’re all good to go.
Thank you again for your help. You saved me a lot of time and frustration! Seriously, major thanks.