Jekyll update github pages without new commit

I developed a github action that works with scheduler and supports updating multiple gh-pages at the same time.

Jekyll update github pages without new commit · Actions · GitHub Marketplace · GitHub, the action update gh-pages without generate new commits.

Link action: Jekyll update github pages without new commit · Actions · GitHub Marketplace · GitHub

name: Update all github pages

    - cron: "30 0 * * *"

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Update Github Pages Initiatives
    - name: Jekyll update github pages without new commit
      uses: DP6/jekyll-update-pages-action@v1.0.1
        DEPLOY_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GH_PAGES_DEPLOY_TOKEN }}
        USER: ${{ secrets.GH_PAGES_USER }}
        FILTER:  'is%3Apublic%20org%3Adp6'
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This looks like a rather specialized situation to have multiple repos which have content not in GitHub that need to be automated as builds on scheduled.

I’m curious what your use case is for the sites you describe? Like does the data come from a database or an external API? Like GitHub API? Or maybe you prevent builds on the main branch thoughoutbthe day and only build once at night?

If the data comes from GitHub markdown content only, then there would not be a benefit to rebuilding. A set of markdown files with no external requests will give the same output site if you build repeatedly for the same content.