Jekyll-archives doesn't create tag archives for pages

hi j land,

i’m following the minimal mistakes docs to set up jekyll-archives for tags, but i get an empty /tags/index.html page, and all clicking on any tags from pages rather than blog posts returns a page not found error.

i installed the plugin, created a page w permlink /tags/, and added the full configs as minimal mistakes docs suggest (Configuration - Minimal Mistakes):

type: jekyll-archives
path: /categories/
type: jekyll-archives
path: /tags/
- categories
- tags
category: archive-taxonomy
tag: archive-taxonomy
category: /categories/:name/
tag: /tags/:name/

tags all appear as links on my pages, and a page exists at /tags/, but its empty. is there a something missing to get my pages included in the archiving?

thx for any pointers…