How to integrate a live terminal with Jekyll

How to integrate a live terminal (google shell) into my Jekyll website

Google shell let’s you start a terminal in cloud so just install ruby and Jekyll there and clone your repo and serve Jekyll.

Anything you would do locally but do there. I feel like an online shell environment would be general enough.

Can you narrow your question down? Like say what docs you found or what code you tried to run and where to got stuck?

If you have any issues around installation or upgrading or running, the Google docs will help.

I would advise against using such a manual approach to build a static site. If had a Python or Node app then you have a running app and you can check on the resources and logs.

For Jekyll, it is far easier to deploy and run using a deploy tool - no more manual deploys whenever you want to get a change out.

Use GitHub Pages and a GitHub repo. Add GitHub Actions. Or use Netlify.

These will also deploy your site for you when you push to your repo. No need to run live terminal or install Ruby or dependencies by hand.

And you can use your custom URL on them for free like if you owned that.

Another approach is to build your site locally and then use FTP to copy the assets to the remote storage.

I have a jekyll blog in my local machine and I am trying to integrate the local blog with a terminal environment . I want to display this environment in jekyll.

If you are new to Jekyll, you’ll have far fewer issues getting running with a no terminal flow.

Add your repo to GitHub. Enable GitHub Pages under Settings of your repo.

Within a minute you’ll have a Jekyll site built for you in the cloud without having to run any terminal commands in the cloud.

See my demo site which can be used as a template.

After you have that common approach working and if it still doesn’t meet your needs to customize it with GitHub Actions or Netlify, then only I think it is worth looking at a cloud shell setup.

Jekyll creates static HTML files which can be served from anywhere like S3 or Google Cloud or GitHub Pages or Netlify. Once the site is built and stored, the files can be served without Jekyll installed. Nnginx is probably used to serve the files.

Use this locally to run Jekyll and stop it once done.

jekyll build

and then look at _site directory. You can start a web server in that directory now to serve a site without Jekyll running.

Use this only for local developer testing:

jekyll serve

You may be able to use these instructions I found on Jekyll and Google Cloud.

No need for Google Shell. You use an integration to listen to GitHub pushed and then build and store on Google Cloud storage, if you really want to use that solution and not solutions above.

Automate building with Google Cloud Storage and Jekyll on every push to GitHub, recurrently or manually. Set up the Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD) workflow with GitHub, Google Cloud Storage, Jekyll and Buddy in minutes.

Build test & deploy instantly. Turn DevOps into NoOps with Buddy’s automation.

In future I’d recommend doing a search like “Jekyll Google Cloud” as your own research and then ask a question to fill in any gaps in understanding or where you are stuck. And please share links you find and what you used from them. It gives us more context on your problem and what is working or not working and the solution you are aiming for. You’ll see other posters will supply a theme they are using or a tutorial they are following and then a link or code snippet around their own code so we can help debug their code

I tried searching “Google Shell Jekyll” and “Google Terminal Jekyll” and found zero results on the first page to match what you are planning to do.