Hi, @ashmaroli.
It seems a great idea for me.
Just one of the things I was looking for.
If you are using GitHub pages, may be you don’t need a plugin like this, as you can edit your pages from GitHub.
But GitHub pages has its drawbacks and limitations (you have to expose all your content to public, if you use a free account, it does not seem to work well with maths, some themes are not supported…).
When you are making major changes to your Jekyll pages locally, may be a full blown local editor like atom is more appropiate: it lets you take care of git versioning and all that whistles.
But when you are on the road and have no access to your usual computer, a plugin like this lets you configure your site and make editions or additions to it from any web nav easily.
The editor helps you make editions with full knowledge of markdown (good for people not too techy or worried about the details).
I am trying it and I think I will keep it in the final version of my personal CMS that I am testing now.
But I find two limitations:
- There is no security to access the admin interface.
- There seems is no math support.
Admin access security
I suppose you can limit access using .httaccess in an admin dir, and Basic auth.
But it is cumbersome to implement that for the final user.
I have seem some security plugins that let you use GitHub accounts or similar.
Integrating this plugin funcionality with a general security access API would be of great help, and giving users of the plugin infro about how to implement security.
Math formulas
You allway can create latex equations using plain text.
But your preview does not render them even if you have matjax activated in your site.
Previewing math equations is a need for all of us that live in engineering or science worlds.
If you could integrate some kind of math equation editor written in JavaScript it would be wonderfull.
Thank you for your work. It helps people like me not programmers or developers, that want to use Jekyll.