5 Best Jekyll Themes for Your Site (My opinion :))

Jekyll is one of the most popular static site generators today. In this post, I present a collection of the best free Jekyll themes and can be used to quickly create a portfolio website with a blog for yourself.

My collection consists of the best free and open source themes which are also found on GitHub. All the themes presented here are responsive and high-quality.

There are many platforms, including GitHub Pages and Netlify, hosting your personal site is free (Actually, they provide free static website hosting). For me, GitHub Pages is perfect for hosting.

Here are top 5 Jekyll themes:

1 - Forty Jekyll Theme
2 - Jekyll Theme Dinky
3 - Jekyll Theme Slate
4 - Jekyll Theme Minimal Mistakes
5 - One Page Jekyll Theme (Serif)

Have questions about these? Feel free to ask :slight_smile:

Thanks! While Iā€™m not into themes myself (Jekyll can also be used w/o a theme, and I find it easier), your contribution made me aware of Cusdis, a new approach to Comments, that helped me.

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