Jekyll Theme Showcase! - Share your Jekyll themes

Have you built a Jekyll theme you’re proud? Then share it here! :rainbow:

Just use the following format:

Name - https://link-to-example-site-or-repository.url

A brief description of your theme, what it’s about and any interesting things your learned while making it.

Link to the repo (if applicable) -

Please follow the format above as best as you can, that way if someone from the Jekyll Community wants to create an official showcase page it’ll be a little easier to populate.


I have three themes that have been released as Ruby gems and are also GitHub Pages compatible when used as remote themes.

So Simple screenshots

So Simple -
A simple Jekyll theme for words and pictures.
Source repo -

Minimal Mistakes screenshots

Minimal Mistakes -
A flexible two-column Jekyll theme. Perfect for personal sites, blogs, and portfolios.
Source repo -

Basically Basic screenshot

Basically Basic -
Your new Jekyll default theme.
Source repo -


Beautiful Jekyll

Build a beautiful and simple website in literally minutes

Demo at

This theme is meant to be extremely easy to use so that even web noobs can use it, while still looking clean and having lots of customizable parameters. The documentation is very detailed and thorough and assumes no previous knowledge. It focuses on GitHub-pages-first so that it’s very simple to create a beautiful jekyll theme directly on the web using GitHub Pages, but also has instructions for how to use it locally with ruby.


Alembic is a starting point for Jekyll projects. Rather than starting from scratch, this boilerplate is designed to get the ball rolling immediately. Install it, configure it, tweak it, push it.


MaterialDocs -

A two-column Jekyll theme, perfect for documentation websites. It is built with Material Design Lite.

Type on Strap - New simple, responsive theme based on Type Theme.

  • Compatible with Github pages
  • Bundled as a Ruby theme gem
  • Responsive design
  • Include bootstrap and Jekyll search
  • Portfolio, tags, search page layout
  • Disqus Comments and Google Analytics support

You can see the Demo

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How do you do that nice little box with your github repo and your image?

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Start Bootstrap Agency -

This is a Jekyll theme based on updated Start Bootstrap - Agency a stylish, one page Bootstrap theme for agencies and small businesses.

Link to the repo -


  • Works as a remote theme and can be installed with gem
  • MIT License
  • Built to support the latest, stable releases of all major browsers and platforms.
  • Fully responsive HTML template created with Bootstrap 4
  • Custom collapsing navigation with active classes, smooth page scrolling, and responsive fallback stylings
  • Services section with CSS only circle icons by Font Awesome
  • Portfolio grid with modal window popup previews for portfolio item details
  • About section with a responsive timeline, special thanks to Bootsnipp
  • Team member section with circle profile images and social media links
  • Contact form with validation - just add your server url to the js-url at _data/home.yml
  • Footer with social links, copyright information, and other links
  • SCSS files included for deeper customization options

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Modern Resume Theme

Demo -
A modern static resume template and theme. Powered by Jekyll and GitHub pages.
Source repo -

I have tried to create a very simple to use single page resume theme and template. It has some very simple instructions to build and host on GitHub pages that hopefully anyone can follow.
It’s still fairly basic in terms of the content and layout options, but I am going to continue to create these and make it suitable for everyone.

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uBuild -

uBuild is an open-source Jekyll based theme and comes with 16 fully responsive design block. It also doubles as a page builder tool when used inside the Forestry content manager.

Source Repo -
Easy-Add Button -


  • 16 fully responsive design blocks
  • Page Builder Capabilities (with Forestry)
  • Form submissions with contact form integration
  • We’re still working at it, so we’re adding features at an on-going basis (feel free to file an issue if you’re missing something


This theme is folked from Matjek theme which is based on materializecss framework.

I have modified a lot from Matjek so that we have this theme for the only purpose of note-taking. This theme is designed for ones who work much on Maths and Code with a lot of useful components.


  • Clean & Simple & Beautiful (see demo)
  • Full supports and frequently update
  • Support a lot of useful components for taking notes (see [full list]({{ site.baseurl }}/how-to-use-notetheme))
  • Display Table of Contents automatically on a fix sidebar (and on the post content)
  • Integrate disqus comment system.
  • Integrate Mathjax which supports typing math equations.
  • Integrate DataCamp Light which supports embedding side-by-side Python/R code enviroment (see demo for this)
  • Supoort search on site quickly ([demo]({{ site.baseurl }}/search?q=welcome))
  • Support tags and categories for posts.
  • Mobile friendly
  • Search engine friendly
  • Invisible option : make your site invisible to search engines

How to install

  • Download from Github repository. Please change to branch gh-pages to see the whole code files.
  • Follow this instruction carefully. I show you from the beginning how to create a github page with jekyll and then to apply NoteTheme and use it.

How to use it?

Contact & support

Email me at:


A clean and responsive jekyll theme. Designing for legibility and accessibility.


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i have remade my business blog using jekyll

check it out -

also the site is made with jekyll

any feedback is highly welcomed and valued



Horace is a single-author blog theme. Featuring a minimal, slick, responsive and content-focused design.

View Demo:

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TeXt Theme

Here is my theme, I call it TeXt, a super customizable Jekyll theme for personal site, team site, blog, project, documentation, etc.

It is 100% compatible with GitHub Pages and it has been developed as a gem-based themes for easier use.

Demo at, you can find examples and documentation here.

William Oliveira, personal blog

A blog about software development, career, communities and more.


Dunders, a theme structure for Jekyll

__s, or dunders, is a clean Jekyll Starter Theme.

The name of this project is a tribute to WordPress Underscores project.



Blackcurrant is a Jekyll theme suitable for personal, blog, resume or portfolio websites. I built it using Bootstrap 4.


Forma is the bold, minimal Jekyll theme that empowers you to easily create visually powerful content.

View Demo: [
Download: [

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