Jekyll Showcase! - Share your sites built with Jekyll

Have you built a site you’re proud of using Jekyll? Then share it here! :rainbow:

Just use the following format:

Name - https://site.url

A brief description of your site, what it’s about and any interesting things your learnt while making it.

Link to the repo (if applicable) -

Please follow the format above as best as you can, that way if someone from the Jekyll Community wants to create an official showcase page it’ll be a little easier to populate.


David Darnes (Portfolio) -

This is my personal portfolio, showing a selection of my web design and front-end development work. It’s just a single page with a list of links. Despite Jekyll being quite powerful, I like that it also works really well with just a couple of templates and some data.


My company site. Build with a template I developed myself (classic-jekyll-theme). I went -of course- through several iterations and kept on adding features to the theme. Jekyll lends itself rather well to this incremental approach. I specifically like the quick feedback cycle. Keep the Jekyll server running, and (almost) immediately see the results.

There is no repo for the site, but the theme can be found here:

Made Mistakes -

Personal site where I’m constantly messing with how I use Jekyll to build content (1,000+ posts, static-based comments, several collections, paginated category/tag archives, style guide, etc.).

Current incarnation is a Gulp + Jekyll hybrid with Travis CI handling remote builds and deployment to my web server.

GitHub repo -


# unfortunately this site is no longer built with jekyll, using next.js now.

website for my small business, hosted on S3, deployed with s3_website, using gulp for live reload.
There is no public repo (using bitbucket private repo).
Here is a seemingly never ending video on some of the behind the scenes setup: Jekyll Walk Thru 2 - YouTube


David Darnes (Personal Blog) -

My personal site which is based upon my main portfolio, where I post about design and front-end development. I’ve made quite a few performance tweaks, such as putting my styles into a single style block on the page. So people might be interested to check out the code on how they can make their Jekyll blog a bit faster.


Joe Buhlig (Personal Blog) -

I’ve been using Jekyll on my blog for about a year and a half. The blog is primarily about productivity but often deviates in some form or another. Three things are out of the ordinary on my site.

  1. I implement Discourse (just like Jekyll Talk!) for commenting.
  2. I use Capistrano for deployments making it really easy to publish a picture heavy site.
  3. Because Capistrano deploys the whole site (not just _site), I set up a cron job on the server to build at set intervals. That allows me to deploy posts that are effectively scheduled for the future.

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Portfolio Website on Github gh-pages -

This is my professional portfolio. I didn’t just want to display images of my projects and simply link to their repos. I chose to use Jekyll because I wanted a professional website where I am able to bring together a bit about myself, some of my projects and accompanying articulations, technical articles I have written, where to find me on social media, how to contact, and where I have contributed writing.


Its a open source project of a Lorem Ipsum.

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An interactive journey into functional programming with Yehonathan Sharvit

This is my tech blog with a lot of interactive code snippets in several languages: clojure,javascript, ruby, python and even BrainFuck


MalwareMustDie! (MMD) Malware Analysis Blog -

Nothing special. Except this is a 100% Jekyll on FreeBSD platform, theme I picked is BlackDoc (reversed menu) with Poole base, using Rouge for highlighter. I voided ports for the maintenance except initial development (only compiled ruby & built bundle from it), all gems are maintained by bundle basis. Using git basis Jekyll too. I migrated previous old blog posts (rather big in volume) from blogger by jekyll-import w/keeping the URLs as per blogger did before. I picked atom to replace blogger’s rss2. We feel very happy on reducing several threat vectors after switched to Jekyll via eliminating CGI and nice flood prevention by site auto cloning. Still experimenting with the archives. Ideas are welcome. There’s nothing special about the source so I am kinda embarrass to share it here. Thank’s for your development, you safe our ass to keep on safely research.

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Simplicity -

Simplicity is a Jekyll Theme for minimalists focused on essentials avoiding unnecessary clutter. But you still get all you need to build wonderful pages for your content with different layouts. You can choose fonts and color palettes directly from __config.yml_ to make it your own. It comes with a set of color palettes. What’s special about it: You can write posts which any frontmatter at all. And if you want to use videos, quotes and stuff, it works a lot like tumblr. Just add video: to front matter and Simplicity chooses the correct layout for you. Like this…


Repository –


Nice job! Maybe we should have a new thread just for themes? :thinking:


Ayush Sharma (Personal blog) -
This is my personal blog, where I write about technology.

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68,696 searchable profiles of US foundations. Jekyll build time: 15 minutes

This project is actually three separate Jekyll repos, all hosted on Github Pages:

  1. Profile search: Leverages Algolia (via Hogan.js) for dynamic search - link | code
  2. Profiles: Used collections to generate ~69k static profiles - link | code
  3. Charity search (experimental): Same front-end as the profile search, slightly different use case - link | code

I mentioned the project deep in the comments in an earlier thread (on the old Jekyll Discourse instance), but finally got around to writing up why I built it so thought I’d share with the entire community.


Cullan Luther ( Portfolio & Blog ) -

Great thread! My site is mainly for sharing little developer strats and hacks I find useful. I like making tools for my friends and I to automate our development and make us even lazier. I also showcase some of the projects I have worked on that I deem “cool”. I use a Jekyllized yeoman build which I have customized heavily. It is also a functioning PWA, which was a really fun project, and I highly recommend giving it a shot. Thanks, thats it. Stop and say hi.



Incredibly simple and minimalistic site, but I really like it! Thanks for sharing

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Thanks for the compliment David! Cheers

This awesome Stuart! Great that you were able to use Jekyll to power your site and keeness to learn web development. Maybe something to shout about @parkr?