Using Jekyll as a Note taking tool

Good morning everyone,

I’ve been using jekyll for my small dev’s project and it works incredibly wonderful.
I’m starting an engineering school and I would like to use jekyll as a note taking tool to organise and display my note. (BTW using markdown with pandoc let me have my lessons both written for archiving purposes and the website)

I’m looking for a theme that will format and organize my posts like lessons in a drawer. I was thinking to a kind of wiki or even a readthedocs.
The only theme I found is this one : but I don’t like how it uses html balises to format the post :confused: (as I want a markdown only solution to print my lessons)

If anyone has a better luck of finding such a theme it would be wonderful :slight_smile:

Thx in advance,


Doxy - Jekyll documentation theme This theme might help you. I used it for themeix official doc site also,

If you need any custom design or custom Jekyll work then feel free contact

Give Me a Mail In "" I Will Provide You A Custom Jekyll Theme As Your Requirement.