So I’d like to be able to create static pages from markdown files for my projects in the same way I’d make my blog posts from a markdown file. I tried for hours but I can’t figure out a way to do so. Bear with me as I have little programming experience. I am using the poole theme by the way.
First I created a _projects folder where created some test projects in markdown. In the Layouts folder I created a project.html with the following lines:
layout: default
<h1>{{ page.title }}</h1>
<time datetime="{{ | date_to_xmlschema }}">{{ |
date_to_string }}</time>
{{ content }}
I then created a file where i want to traverse the _projects folder. The markdown file contains the following code:
layout: page
title: Projects
{% for project in site.projects %}
* {{ | date_to_string }} » [ {{ project.title }} ]({{ project.url }})
{% endfor %}
I don’t understand why this doesn’t work and i couldn’t figure it out by googling either.
I hope you can help me here. Thank you!