I’ve followed the instructions on set up for Jekyll for Mac OS, but when I hit this line:
gem install --user-install bundler jekyll
I am getting a WARNING:
You don't have /Users/myusername/.local/share/gem/ruby/3.0.0/bin in your PATH
I followed the instructions to add things to my PATH and it all seemed to work fine. Any pointers on why this might be happening? I’m a pretty novice coder, so any help is much appreciated! Thanks.
fwiw - I get the same warning but I never use --user-install … Should I? And I have ruby 2.7.0 when I type ‘which ruby’ … I think jekyll likes 2.7 ruby.
I put a Gemfile into the directory and in that file I have one line:
gem ‘jekyll’
then I type gem install bundler jekyll
and it installs fine.
However - I have installed rvm as a ruby environment and the default ruby is set to 2.7
so when I type ‘which ruby’ - it says:
ruby is /Users/roadie/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.7.0/bin/ruby
ruby is /usr/bin/ruby
so the rvm ruby-2.7 is first in the path.
machine:testjekyll roadie$ gem install bundler jekyll
Successfully installed bundler-2.2.15
Parsing documentation for bundler-2.2.15
Installing ri documentation for bundler-2.2.15
Done installing documentation for bundler after 3 seconds
Successfully installed jekyll-4.2.0
Parsing documentation for jekyll-4.2.0
Done installing documentation for jekyll after 0 seconds
2 gems installed
Or use 2.7.0 (even if you have 2.7.1 or whatever).
and then start a new terminal tab and check that it worked.
echo $PATH
That is a good start. However it will break whenever you upgrade Ruby. I have a dynamic way here which gets the path to the user directory from Ruby itself
Using user install is nice because it is user gems and only user permissions.
Otherwise you would need sudo to install to the root user’s gem directory.
I would focus on just getting Bundler installed. And then use Jekyll on a per project basis with version set in Gemfile or a project.
Bundler is great. I use it and others use it a lot for Ruby and Jekyll projects.
Adding an extra tool RVM into the mix to learn and use is not a good idea. It is useful if you need to manage multiple versions of Ruby side by side.
And while RVM can be used to created isolated environments of project specific gems, Bundler is specialized in that and does it well. Bundler will install project gems into a folder called vendor and you can look at and delete the folder. It is transparent.