Talk Notes - Build (Online) Books and Documentation w/ Octobook Themes and the Jekyll (Static) Website Compiler


yesterday’s Vienna.rb talk notes titled Build (Online) Books and Documentation w/ Octobook Themes and the Jekyll (Static) Website Compiler. Real-world examples built with the (auto-)magic GitHub Pages build-pipeline incl.:

Happy publishing w/ ruby and jekyll and friends.


@geraldb thanks for sharing! I didn’t know about Yuki & Moto Press before - that’s awesome! :100:

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Thanks for your kind words. There’s also the Hyde Press Bookshelf - - for free (online) books about Jekyll and friends - using Octobooks themes :slight_smile: for publishing. Unfortunately, there’s only so much I can do in a day / week (so there hasn’t been an update for while). Cheers. Prost.

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