if you right click on your web page (anywhere) and choose Inspect a new panel should open up. One of the tabs in that panel will say Console. If you click on that tab you will see an error about jquery.
My guess is jquery is required for something but it is not loading properly and that is causing weird things to happen.
Not sure how to fix it, but maybe that can point you in the right direction? one possible issue might be when it is loaded. The order in which you load js files can be important.
jquery for the most part shouldn’t be needed these days, personally I would stay away from anything that requires it but that said there isn’t anything wrong with it and it should work if it is all setup properly.
Thank you for your reply. But the points mentioned above and the error in console are two different things. I am missing something fundamentally in porting to jekyll that causes
the navbar area to be not transparent
make mouse pointer disappear
increase page width to almost double
Any help here is needed and contribution appreciated.
The most fundamental thing is how jekyll works, and it works by converting a set of templates into a fully html site, that is why it is a static site generator. Even though your problems happened because you are migrating it to jekyll, they are not jekyll related, meaning these are more likely css/js problems that happen after the jekyll build. That’s why @rdyar pointed to the Console tab.
Checking the Console tab will give you a hint about what these problems are, and some may be caused by the jekyll build doing things you are not expecting with the css/js files.
you probably need to pay attention to what order you load the js files in. If you load something that references jquery before jquery is loaded then I think you get errors like that.
The more files you have the harder this can be to manage if you don’t know exactly what each one is doing.
In your common js list you have the .cookie.js file listed near the end, my guess is that is part of the problem. Though you have so many jquery related files it may not be your only problem.
no idea but I would assume it is a JS error. Maybe you missed a file? though there are no errors.
There still can be issues with where you load the JS on the page - in addition to the order the JS loads. If you load the JS first but then want to refer to an element on the page then I think it may not work? Not sure if this is the issue or not but could be.