I’m not sure, but I have the impression, that my Jekyll based website is loading too long (often showing the HTML and then applying the CSS). That said I’m a backend software engineer and I thought Jekyll would generate a _site directory with the generated sites, which it doesn’t. I’m using Netlify and Github for hosting.
Jekyll is a static site generator.
It principally runs once to convert your source files into HTML files and their associated assets to be served via a webserver.
Try scanning your pages with Google Lighthouse and following the recommendations listed.
If you look at the network tab in your browser tools, you’ll see in the waterfall cascade that all of your scripts load before the CSS, which is why you’re seeing a flash of unstyled content.
Oh yes, thanks to both of you. I changed the order and replaced the images with a slightly resized versions and saved in the WebP-Format instead of JPEG