Parsing all Hashtags | Similar to @mentions

I"m using this plugin (jekyll-mentions) to substitute all my mentions with the mentions from twitter.

Now I would like to substitute my predifined hashtags like ##tagme into the corresponding tag anchor text on my site.

I’m not into ruby dev, so not willing to spend more time in creating a GEM plugin. Can anyone give me some pointers as to how I can do it in my jekyll folder under _plugins ?


Hi there,

According to what you have described - you might get away with a simple :post_render Jekyll hook (

jekyll-mentions plugin, actually uses that model (a :post_render hook in Jekyll) that yields you more control over the generated content and there you can simply manipulate the content any way you want.

Oh, and by the way - you can simply copy/paste jekyll-mentions.rb from the plugin into your _plugins folder, tweak to your taste and get what you need in less than 30 minutes. :wink:

Hope that helps.

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