My first learning - Jekyll Learning GH-Pages - Theme Minima

Hello User,
my first learning Jekyll Learning GH-Pages


Minima is a one-size-fits-all Jekyll theme for writers . It’s Jekyll’s default (and first) theme. It’s what you get when you run jekyll new .

I have choice this theme because this theme have full GH-Pages Support.
In my opinion it is the best learn Jekyll with GH-Pages.

My doing:

jekyll new
jekyll serve         ## to test the sit local  Server address:

git init
git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"
git remote add origin
git push --set-upstream origin master     ## in den master Branch
Name stevengghp
Passwod TOKEN

If i test now the site, i get this Wappalyzer information:

On my system i have install Jekyll 4.2.2, Wappalyzer show’s Jekyll 3.9.0.

Why show’s Wappalyzer Jekyll 3.9.0?



I have create a Fork (GitHub WebGUI) from jsanz/gh-pages-minima-starter

Wappalyzer Check:

Did i have full GitHub-GUI support to edit my two GitHub Pages, because i use Jekyll 3.9.0 ?

Problem my Fork: gh-pages-minima-starter


**Page not found : ( **
The requested page could not be found.

How to set up MULTIPLE GitHub Pages websites with custom domains

Posted on September 23, 2020

One GitHub Account = One GitHub Pages
Is this right?


**Page not found : ( **
The requested page could not be found.

My test with One GitHub Pages - gh-pages-minima-starter - no 404 error

I can use more then one GitHub at one Github_Account (my waittime was to short):

Error 404 solved for me.

Hello, why i get on my GitHub GUI two diffrent information?

Ruby and HTML

you can probably set that per repo, if you didn’t set it GH probably guessed at which it was.

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no - you can have as many as you want - but there is a weird think where your main account is its own thing called a user repo(?) and then you can add as many additional repos as you like and those become Project repos. I think in the past this was a big deal, not sure it matters.

The user repo would be a repo with the same username as your GH account. Anything else is a Project repo. Not sure there is any real difference other than project repos get served from a sub folder which means you have to set the baseulr = to the project name. On your user repo you don’t need to do that as it is the root. it is a little confusing but not a big deal.

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It seems like there are a lot of questions here, so I am going to do my best to answer them. In the future, please try and ask individual questions.

Please ignore wappalyzer. At the end of the day, Jekyll (and Gatsby, and Next, and HUGO, …) uses JAMStack concepts, which means it outputs pure, web-standard HTML, CSS, and JavaScript without any server-side processing.

The only way to tell what your website is running is to look at the gemfile in the root of your specified branch folder.

I know my podcast website is using Jekyll 4.2.x because this is what it says in my gemfile:

gem "jekyll", "~> 4.2"

I know my corporate website is using Jekyl 3.9.x because this is what it says in my gemfile:

gem "jekyll", "~> 3.9"

Of course you will not know for sure that you are using that particular version until you run:

bundle install
(and bundle update just to be sure)

As for why you see Ruby on one repo and HTML in another, I would not worry about that. It is important to note that Jekyll is based on Ruby, so when you set it up, lots of Ruby dependencies are in there. GitHub uses analyzers to determine how much of one thing or another you are using and then displays what it assumes your site is using. For example, I have repos that say “HTML” and “Ruby” and “CSS”, but they are all Jekyll sites. Just like Wappalyzer, ignore this :slight_smile:

There are a few things you should know about GitHub Pages. You can only have one, shall I say, instance of Jekyll per repo, but every repo can have GitHub Pages enabled. For example, I have at least 6 GitHub repos with Jekyll enabled.

Because of the link you shared, it sounds like you might like multiple instances of Jekyll on a single repo. I read the thread and it seems like GitHub is working on something to help you with that. I think it is probably better to just start using GitHub Pages and then figure out how it works with your development workflow.

For example, I had a product that I used to sell and kept the documentation updated frequently, but I did it with branches. For example, when I created a branch called new-feature, I would update the docs in that branch. Once I merged new-feature with main, the new feature would release, as would the documentation.

There is no simple answer here, but I suggest if you are going to use Jekyll or any other JAMStack technology, you have to figure out how you want to structure the code and the docs and not try and force it to do something it can’t do (or is really hard to maintain).

I hope this helps!

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