Looking for (paid) Jekyll assistance


I am a Jekyll developer myself but I am drowning in work. I can use a helping hand right now. Before wasting time, please be aware that I am not able to pay the money you would earn in Germany - I am specifically looking to outsource to countries with lower rates.

If you are still reading, I got various tasks to do. One is to pimp an existing website which currently do not have a blog to run one. We have the base design already, but some new design given by our designer needs to be implemented.

Other tasks are similar. One of them also requires some Ruby knowledge as we build a plugin.

If it sounds interesting to you, please contact me by email. You can find my email address at the bottom of my website: https://grobmeier.solutions/


PS: this board should have a “Jobs” category :wink:


I’ve just sent an email to you. Hope it won’t make it’s way to a Junk folder because it contains a link. Just check a Junk folder too if you’re still interested.

Thank you, I received your mail and will respond :slight_smile: Let’s take it from there!

I build around 30 Jekyll sites a year and I am a CSS ninja ;-). Check my Github for proof. I work very fast and I am very experienced. Therefore I can get you a good price. Just send me an email at joost@usecue.com.

Just curious, how popular is the market for Jekyll theming/development? Some years ago I used to do consulting on the side creating wordpress themes. My feeling about Jekyll is that the audience using it tends to be more technical, so they aren’t as reliant on external devs to create themes, develop workflows, etc. Or if they are, the needs are much more complex than when I worked on wordpress.

Anyway, I’ve been thinking about getting back into side consulting, this time with Jekyll, but would love to hear more about the market. The fact that you build 30 Jekyll sites a year is encouraging. Do the authors interact with the sites via the command line, or do you end up hooking them up to cms-sites like CloudCannon or Forestry.io?


Hello Tom,

despite this will hijack the thread and you were asking Joost, I would like to give you an answer as well :slight_smile:

I have build quite a bunch of Jekyll sites for myself. Unfortunately most of my customers were not appealed to use Jekyll. When I sold a website, people migrated to Wordpress.

At the moment I have 3 customers on Jekyll. We are using Forestry and CloudCannon, as they won’t work with the CLI.
My customers were not happy with both of them.

One argument for my customers to pay less was the fact there is no CMS. No CMS = Cheaper, they say.

I also was looking at UpWork if there are Jekyll websites asked. There are a few, but most of them is like “please convert WordPress to Jekyll, I give you 100$”.

Maybe Joost is saying differently, but I don’t believe one can make a living as a Jekyll expert.

Me asking for help is pretty much an exception. I code myself, so normally I would code my websites myself too.

You may proof me wrong!

Good luck!


I do not sell Jekyll websites. I sell implementations of website designs to design firms. I use Jekyll and CloudCannon to make things editable for their clients. No complaints or converted websites so far. :grinning: I also do a lot of rebuilding in Jekyll to cut the maintenance costs or to fix hacked websites (mostly WordPress). Jekyll is easy to sell because Jekyll sites are cheaper to build AND cheaper to maintain than WordPress sites. Sure you can make a living as a website developer/coder using Jekyll. Just sell the solution, not the platform.

Just to be clear: my clients AND the the clients of my clients NEVER see the command line. They see the WordPress-like environments CloudCannon (or Forestry) are offering. They get a WordPress-like environment (like they expect and need) and I get version control, cheap hosting, low maintenance and faster development. A win-win situation.

Christian, thanks for your perspective on this thread. That’s kind of what I suspected. You pretty much need to be a developer or other technical person to interact via the command line. That said, there is a small niche for tech writers looking for documentation themes, though I can’t imagine it would be very profitable.

Out out curiosity and because I’m working on a new platform to host & run Jekyll sites, I would love to hear why Forestry and CloudCannon don’t click with your studio, yourself or your customers? My platform’s goal is to improve this niche in any possible way, like supporting existing Jekyll plugins, themes, give back the credit to the community and whatever else comes to mind…

I’m not affiliated with either of those - just affiliated with myself. :wink:


I like both platforms actually, but my customers found them confusing.

If you want detailled feedback, you can reach out to me at my email found at the bottom of my website: https://grobmeier.solutions

very similar situation here: also a swamped former coder needing someone with at least average expertise or much will to learn fast.

except my budget is probably even lower, at about 7 usd per month. i need support for very “simple stuff” that can be easily scaled to everyone in the community… and maintenance work to keep things updated.

anyone interested in the gig?


Hi @grobmeier,

We are based in India and we do development and designing of web application.

Take a look at our design on behance. You can shoot me an email at yashu@codecarrot.net. We love working with remote clients :slight_smile:.

To know more: https://www.codecarrot.net/

Yashu Mittal

wonder if anyone here found the assistance… :smirk: i never did! :unamused: