We made a site using Jekyll and Github Pages to help Senior Tennis players to keep track of their tournaments in India , we learned about how Github pages does not support all the plugins and how to make an article to change state from published to unpublished
my new digital home, including the mind of rathewolf (shout-out to @ronv), a digital room for my youthful philosophies ‘n written expressions: my mind; and, willowolf, a forking path toward a few of my desires, ideals: my wills: my willowolves (which itself contains three more one-page jekyll sites).
…sorry, i had to get that off my chest tho :3
i’m loving where this is going… :o :o
We are building our company engineering team website using Jekyll.
We love the tool and are having great times!
ZE HERO - https://www.ze-hero.com
booking outdoor activities website.
jekyll + gitlab + netlify + forestry + cloudinary
This project was really nice because I discovered Forestry.io and all the CMS possibilites
Rand Asswad (Personal Website/Portfolio) - https://rand-asswad.xyz
My professional website/portfolio hosted with GitHub Pages. A single-page website with rich components implemented with Sass and Vanilla JS. I tried to follow best practices and SEO recommendations for Jekyll, Sass, JS, Open Graph, responsive design, SVG icons, etc.
GitHub repo - https://github.com/rand-asswad/rand-asswad.github.io
I optimized performance as much as possible, ditched bloated libraries I was using
(Bootstrap, jQuery, FontAwesome, etc) and obtained a near perfect score
on a Lighthouse Report for the desktop version (since I chose to implement a desktop-first
responsive design).
SharpeTronics - https://www.sharpetronics.com
This web application is the core website for SharpeTronics.com. It is a live JAMstack (Jekyll, API’s, Markup) example of the power of static websites with micro services that includes all the bells and whistles for comments, newsletter subscriptions, content management systems (CMS), site generators, blog posts, continuous delivery (CD), version management, ecommerce shopping, progressive web applications (PWA), and many more.
Javascript frameworks create more complexity than needed, this example displays minimal need for Javascript; therefore increasing security, reducing file size and complex work environments, increasing load times and reducing the learning curve for web developers, while keeping all the fun and speedy reactivity of the modern web architecture. We enable more focus on design and content; while enabling increased portability, automated testing, speed and security.
No proprietary operating system dependencies required, only Docker Engine super machines and some tender love and care. The base stack is Docker Engine + SCSS ready!
GitHub repo: GitHub - SharpeTronics/sharpetronics.github.io: The web application for SharpeTronics homepage.
Csharpe - https://csharpe.me
My online portal for reflecting experiential skills, contact information and a digital presence for work related opportunities.
Quite impressive, congrats!
Airframe Projects/Tasks: Tasks Table - Jekyll Bootstrap Theme
My Open Source project based on Bootstrap 5+ which I will soon be in github for free.
That is cool. Can you post anew when you have the GitHub link? Looks very nice!
That is cool. Can you post anew when you have the GitHub link? Looks very nice!
Yes, Sure.
Tells you what’s the stable version number for a programming language or library. I built it with Jekyll and learned how to use Airtable to populate the _data
folder along the way.
I wrote a guide, if anyone wants to do the same.
The Great Permission: A reliquary - https://thegreatpermission.com
The Great Permission is a poetry booksite (my debut collection) containing 70 poems, whose predominant themes are uncertainty, masculinity, & obscure sorrows. The collection’s subtitle is “A reliquary” because while this is a book of poems, it also contains audio, pictures, & family recipes—some of the relics of a life.
I built the booksite on Tom Johnson’s Jekyll Doc Theme v6.0. I also have an author’s website that I built with Jekyll (Minima): https://andrewdillonpoetry.com.
A dark theme for Jekyll GitHub Pages Cayman theme has been created:
The pippim.com website is hosted on GitHub Pages.
The source is hopefully straight forward but feel free to ask any questions!
Computaria - https://computaria.gitlab.io/blog/
A blog in pt-BR to share knowledge about some techy/computery subjects that matters to me or to someone I know. It works as a kind of portfolio also.
Ninja Tiny Kingdom (work showcase and note writing)
I am working on my company website and my own. Since the company mainly uses WHMCS and Cargo, I decided to go with Jekyll, as I love static and speed. In my development plan, I split my site into two servers and two platforms (this way made me in the eye of people as a good guy, who think for them about their time, if they don’t want to see my work showcase and read any stupid stuff I write, they could see only the landing page show minimal and short about I do, how to contact and subscribe), different from the homepage landing and the showcase and note.
Blackcat URL Shortening service
Powered by Jekyll, develop by ninja, used for premium domain our customer domain name purchase and just want to redirect. we use 2-step redirections to make sure nobody get hurt, or get ban on social media.
i can proof that even static generation content can make money, it not much as i expected. but still good thing to go.
Chulapa Jekyll Theme
A multi-purpose Jekyll theme template for GitHub Pages. It is packed with lots of features (search, comments, FontAwesome, MathJax, video support, SEO ready, code highlighting, breadcrumbs) and it is build on top of Bootstrap 4. The most notable feature IMHO is the +15 skins shipped with the template, that allows to change the look of the site with a single line in your _config.yaml
GitHub Repo: https://github.com/dieghernan/chulapa