Jekyll Showcase! - Share your sites built with Jekyll

ah … maybe coincidental ?
I’ve been messing with my nginx today …

I just looked and you fixed it! Great!

Yeah been messing about with nginx and some bash code to get my static awstats reports working a bit better :slight_smile:

    location ^~ /awstats-icon {
        alias /usr/share/awstats/icon/;

    location ^~ /awstats {
        alias /var/cache/awstats/;
        location ~ \.php$ {
            fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
            fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php7.3-fpm.sock;
            fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $request_filename;
            include fastcgi_params;
        auth_basic "Website Statistics";
        auth_basic_user_file /path/to/.htpasswd;

I’ll probably blog about it :stuck_out_tongue:

I made a simple Jekyll site recently which displays and up to date list of a user’s lists.

User can be configured in the config.

Sziv Blog -

The blog and homepage of Songzi Vong. Mostly on programming, mathematics, physics, literature, and anything I’m interested in.

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Name -

Personal website and blog

I’ve been porting over a primarily static site built with PHP over to Jekyll. Each property has research, photos, and anecdotes. I’ve completed about 120 properties out of the 250+ that I want to update and bring into Jekyll.

Notable features:

  • Custom theme
  • Pages are used as categories for a custom Collection… So, a page like “KITE Architects” uses a query to get all properties with a “designer” value of “KITE Architects” using a simple “where” statement
  • Previous/next navigation from one property to another
  • “Surprise me” link to a random property provided by JS injected a random selection from a JS array created by a Liquid loop on all properties
  • Jekyll responsive images plugin
  • One single data file for “anecdotes” so the site can do list of recent anecdotes as well as only the anecdotes pertaining to a single property

Dead Rooster -

A website in French where, with a couple of good friends, we write about the music and movies we love, a little about soccer and have special categories that ran over time. The website started with blogger, then became a WordPress, then a SPIP until finally landing as a Jekyll website.

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Portfolio with css mobile mockups

I build simple and clean way to make mobile mockup. Mockup are made with simple css and JS. I also making screenshots for my insta. I planing to add better link to my social media. This is the first version working on upgrade (never give up!). Thank you for feedback :vampire:‍♂

Jax’s Blog -

It’s my blog site whose posts are all written in Chinese. Maybe you guys coundn’t much of it, I sincerely hope you could give me some advice. BTW, if you have any post want to share to Chinese people, I am willing to help you to translate. My site looks not pretty cool now, because I am using the default jekyll theme’s black skin. I will try to customize my theme later. The problem annoying me now is the gitalk, I tried and it worked, but now gone. Hope you guys could help me:)

The Crow -

This is my blog / website which was previously running on WordPress.

It’s based on the Minima theme, but I have fiddled with it to make it as much like the old layout as I can.

I implemented a three column include to highlight certain posts and categories, but it looks terrible on mobile. Thanks to those helpful chaps over on the Jekyll subreddit, I figured out how to hide it on certain screen sizes.

It scores 100% on lighthouse, but not right this second as Photoprism is running a full reindex

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Thanks for sharing. Can I suggest some kind of one-line description on the homepage near the top. It is not clear whether The Crow is a person, group, org or movie. So maybe you can make it clear that it is you. Also what kind of topics one can expect.


I am a blogger in the UK and these are my thoughts on tech, society and web design (put in your name and city and career if that matters to readers)

*I am a blogger in the UK and this is a showcase for the articles which I haven’t managed to sell elsewhere."

Thanks dude, I’ll give it some thought.

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I wrote all the material on this website. On this website I discuss:

  1. The open-source code (Ruby, bash, Bootstrap 5) I wrote (and continue to write) for developing websites generated by Jekyll. Lots of blog postings here, and I put some of my Jekyll plugins into a zip file for easy downloading. A few plugins have their own public git repos.

  2. Some of my blog postings on the website discuss an educational website ( I built for teaching the Scala language and Play Framework for Scala. I built a Play-Framework-powered webapp to power ScalaCourses in 2012. I am now working towards replacing the Scala webapp with a near-zero-JavaScript site generated by Jekyll. I think I might try for student authentication of course content via AWS IAM. Perhaps I’ll write AWS Lambda Python scripts to access the database I’ve been using all these years for student enrollment. I am currently unaware of any F/OSS software that might be helpful for integrating Jekyll and AWS. Please reach out to me if this topic interests you, or if you would like to discuss, contribute to writing F/OSS, or working with me on a contractual basis for the non-F/OSS aspects of the things I am working on.

  3. My work acting as a software expert witness in North America and Europe. I wrote many in-depth articles on this topic.

UX Lift –

UX Lift is a curated collection of UX articles, resources, books, tools, and more, with the goal of covering the entire UX and design process.

I started it as a way for me to keep track of useful links and tools, but it’s got a bit out of hand with around 18 collection types and over 1000 pieces of content. I often think I’m going to have to migrate to a database-backed system at some point, but Jekyll keeps surprising me with quite how flexible and powerful it is.

It’s hosted with Netlify, and I use Forestry as the CMS.

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Thanks for sharing @drakon09
I like the feel and layout and topic navigation

I recently launched a site which uses directories and files to allow nested content without using collections.

It is mostly content in the repo.

The layouts and includes are mostly in my theme repo, forked from minima. I use my theme on two other similar repos too

Update: I’ve renamed from minima to fractal

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Github and Stackexchange Activities

What is this site about?

Off the top of my head: showing my Github(GH) and Stackexchange(SE) activities. I think both companies do their job well, each in its way:
GH is complex regarding user interaction and you have several possibilities including a static site for each repo. Although I must admit I never did much on Bitbucket, which should be worthwhile inspecting. But for another day…
SE is an independent company and does a good job regarding social coding. I comment there where I can.

Things I learnt while making the site

I still get to know Jekyll in-depth and someday will dive into Ruby. But again, for another day…I continue learning the combination of Markdown, JS and Html, ideally in one file.

Things I miss

Python! Python? Yes, Python. But this is the essence: it is a static site gen, so be calm, Timo, and go for other projects if you like Python.

Tommi Space

I’ve been developing my personal website for almost a year now. I redesigned it several times and I refined it day after day, putting a lot of effort in the tiniest design details as well as its content. I’m not a programmer, so having gotten this far it’s quite a reward to me.

What is this website about?

It’s literally a virtual representation of my mind: things I learn, records of things I do… almost anything I stumble upon. While it’s very rich in content, I do my best to keep it clean and organized. I track its evolution in the development roadmap.

Things I learnt

Literally everything.
When I started I knew nothing about HTML or CSS; now, I can hack my way through almost anything which involves the two languages above.

Knowledge I miss

JavaScript. In these days if you now it you can do everything; I struggle a lot without knowing it, but I need to take a lot of time to properly learn it.

Inspiration and resources

I took inspiration from almost everything I stumbled upon on the web, I logged the most significant influences here.

Source code and contacts

I host my website with Netlify and its source code is in this GitHub repository.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch for suggestions, critics or questions. I’d love to interact and share ideas about web development with GitHub!

Thanks a lot, happy coding!

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Want to have an online meeting about it? I have been doing that exact thing: bootstrap, Jekyll, custom CSS. I recently switched to custom CSS only. Send me an email at

Two examples of how I use Jekyll:

Karen van Ede
A simple one pager…

Transactility website
A complex company website…

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