Jekyll-feed plugin and index.html in subdirectory

I created a blogging site for myself and I’m using Jekyll. I have my introduction on the blog home page (i.e. _site/index.html). I have generated the blog listing into the _site/blogs/index.html file. Is it possible to configure the jekyll-feed plugin to gather the feeds from an index.html file located in some subdirectory?

yes sure it can. you can create each xml feed for each categories if you like.

But I’m not talking about categories but all posts, that I custom-made gather in some sub-directory, e.g.:

{% for post in site.posts %}

{{ | date: '%-d.%-m.%Y' }}
{{ post.title }}

{% endfor %}

relax, i can confirm that Jekyll can do.
all you need are here jekyll-feed/feed.xml at master · jekyll/jekyll-feed · GitHub

Right now, I’m just a little bit busy developing my app using Jekyll, so I can not explain in more detail here. But I feel you can make it works by giving you the resource repository.

Hi ninja and thank you for your support!
I’m happy to hear it is possible.
I read the jekyll-feed documentation on that Github page yesterday but I couldn’t find any configuration on how to point to some non-standard index.html (e.g. living in a sub-directory like in my case).
Any help would be greatly appreciated! :slight_smile:

I managed to resolve this issue with:

Well, actually not. That script creates rss feed and I need atom feed.


I developed this template for my site that generates valid atom feeds. You may want to give it a try.

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awesome theme and features, thanks for share i give one start for the repos

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