I’m trying to run a simple jekyll blog site to keep track of my progress through a personal project, i got it working no issue so far, yet when i tried to use CSS content for testing different small modifications (as for now, just changing the header color), it just does not apply a single thing, Github Actions did report an issue for non existent files (under _sass/, since i did not import it), after fixing it*, no CSS is appearing to be applied.
my /assets/css/style.scss file
"minima/skins/{{ site.minima.skin | default: 'classic' }}",
header {
background-image: linear-gradient(black, grey) !important;
Am i doing something wrong here? How can i get to apply my custom CSS?
For reference, this is the content of my current jekyll site:
On the other hand, when i try to test jekyll serve locally, even though i am 100% sure i installed it and tested the site, my jekyll serve command returns a command not found, and i somewhat recall to have installed some ruby packages thingy through bundler or gem, could that be possible? if so, can i return to a functional state for my jekyll local installation?
Thanks in advance!
- by “fixing it” i mean i downloaded minima’s repo and moved the _sass directory within my own site, nothing else.