How to re-install Jekyll minima theme folder locally

Not paying attention, I accidentally modified the minima theme in my gem folder on my Mac.

Figuring I screwed up, I just deleted the folder altogether and thought there would be a simple command to re-install the theme, but I cannot find it.

So… if I type open $(bundle info --path minima), I get the following message:

The file /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.6.0/gems/minima-2.5.1 does not exist.

Where before, it would have opened the minima folder. Of course, I know I deleted that folder, but would like to know how to install a fresh copy.

I did try the following:

gem install --user-install bundler jekyll

And I also tried the following:
sudo gem install bundler
sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin/ jekyll

Unfortunately, none of these commands brought back the minima folder.

How can I install the minima theme folder back into the gems folder?

Thank you!

did you try bundle install to actually install the things in your gemfile?

gem install minima

Hi All,

I really appreciate your help. Unfortunately, none of the solutions provided put the minima files back, so I dug into all the bundle install options and found the solution:

bundle install --redownload

That did the trick.

Thank you for your help!