Feed is not generating properly

The image you can see below it is only showing 10 entries whereas on the site there is more than 300 posts.

Link to feed: https://blog.codecarrot.net/feed.xml


You didn’t mention it, but I’m guessing you’re using the jekyll-feed plugin.
In that case they limit the post for loop to 10. That’s why you’re not seeing all posts.

This is typical of RSS/Atom feeds. A sitemap on the other hand lists all posts and pages.

So, to show all the posts in RSS feed, do I need to remove jekyll-feed plugin.

And if I remove that plugin will jekyll auto generate the RSS feed.

That plugin generates your RSS feed, if you remove it you’ll remove the feeds too.
To my knowledge jekyll-feed doesn’t allow you to change limit: 10 to something else.

They need to either add that feature in, or you stop using the plugin and create your own feed. Creating your own feed isn’t that hard, you can just copy their feed template and turn it into a _layout and then build as you would any other page.

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I have just getting this error

I tried the follow code in a filename feed.xml which is at the root of the project. I have copied the same code from https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-feed/blob/master/lib/jekyll-feed/feed.xml

layout: null

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
{% if page.xsl %}
  <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xml" href="{{ '/feed.xslt.xml' | absolute_url }}"?>
{% endif %}
<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" {% if site.lang %}xml:lang="{{ site.lang }}"{% endif %}>
  <generator uri="https://jekyllrb.com/" version="{{ jekyll.version }}">Jekyll</generator>
  <link href="{{ page.url | absolute_url }}" rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" />
  <link href="{{ '/' | absolute_url }}" rel="alternate" type="text/html" {% if site.lang %}hreflang="{{ site.lang }}" {% endif %}/>
  <updated>{{ site.time | date_to_xmlschema }}</updated>
  <id>{{ page.url | absolute_url | xml_escape }}</id>

  {% assign title = site.title | default: site.name %}
  {% if page.collection != "posts" %}
    {% assign collection = page.collection | capitalize %}
    {% assign title = title | append: " | " | append: collection %}
  {% endif %}
  {% if page.category %}
    {% assign category = page.category | capitalize %}
    {% assign title = title | append: " | " | append: category %}
  {% endif %}

  {% if title %}
    <title type="html">{{ title | smartify | xml_escape }}</title>
  {% endif %}

  {% if site.description %}
    <subtitle>{{ site.description | xml_escape }}</subtitle>
  {% endif %}

  {% if site.author %}
        <name>{{ site.author.name | default: site.author | xml_escape }}</name>
      {% if site.author.email %}
        <email>{{ site.author.email | xml_escape }}</email>
      {% endif %}
      {% if site.author.uri %}
        <uri>{{ site.author.uri | xml_escape }}</uri>
      {% endif %}
  {% endif %}

  {% assign posts = site[page.collection] | where_exp: "post", "post.draft != true" | sort: "date" | reverse %}
  {% if page.category %}
    {% assign posts = posts | where: "category",page.category %}
  {% endif %}
  {% for post in posts limit: 10 %}
    <entry{% if post.lang %}{{" "}}xml:lang="{{ post.lang }}"{% endif %}>
      <title type="html">{{ post.title | smartify | strip_html | normalize_whitespace | xml_escape }}</title>
      <link href="{{ post.url | absolute_url }}" rel="alternate" type="text/html" title="{{ post.title | xml_escape }}" />
      <published>{{ post.date | date_to_xmlschema }}</published>
      <updated>{{ post.last_modified_at | default: post.date | date_to_xmlschema }}</updated>
      <id>{{ post.id | absolute_url | xml_escape }}</id>
      <content type="html" xml:base="{{ post.url | absolute_url | xml_escape }}">{{ post.content | strip | xml_escape }}</content>

      {% assign post_author = post.author | default: post.authors[0] | default: site.author %}
      {% assign post_author = site.data.authors[post_author] | default: post_author %}
      {% assign post_author_email = post_author.email | default: nil %}
      {% assign post_author_uri = post_author.uri | default: nil %}
      {% assign post_author_name = post_author.name | default: post_author %}

          <name>{{ post_author_name | default: "" | xml_escape }}</name>
        {% if post_author_email %}
          <email>{{ post_author_email | xml_escape }}</email>
        {% endif %}
        {% if post_author_uri %}
          <uri>{{ post_author_uri | xml_escape }}</uri>
        {% endif %}

      {% if post.category %}
        <category term="{{ post.category | xml_escape }}" />
      {% endif %}

      {% for tag in post.tags %}
        <category term="{{ tag | xml_escape }}" />
      {% endfor %}

      {% if post.excerpt and post.excerpt != empty %}
        <summary type="html">{{ post.excerpt | strip_html | normalize_whitespace | xml_escape }}</summary>
      {% endif %}

      {% assign post_image = post.image.path | default: post.image %}
      {% if post_image %}
        {% unless post_image contains "://" %}
          {% assign post_image = post_image | absolute_url %}
        {% endunless %}
        <media:thumbnail xmlns:media="http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/" url="{{ post_image | xml_escape }}" />
      {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}

Liquid is choking at the following line:

{% assign posts = site[page.collection] | where_exp: "post", "post.draft != true" | sort: "date" | reverse %}

Add the following to your feed-template’s front matter:

collection: posts

When copying jekyll-feed's template, keep in mind that every instance of page.something is referring to the variable something in the template’s front matter data hash.
Jekyll Feed sets all the variables internally. So you wont see them in the template explicitly.