Conversion error: Jekyll::Converters::Scss encountered an error while converting 'assets/css/style.scss': end of file reached

Hi all,

I am using a GitHub Actions workflow for an automatic build.

Since about 6-7 months, I get the following error:

Configuration file: /srv/jekyll/_config.yml
Source: /srv/jekyll
Destination: /srv/jekyll/_site
Incremental build: disabled. Enable with --incremental
Jekyll Feed: Generating feed for posts
Conversion error: Jekyll::Converters::Scss encountered an error while converting ‘assets/css/style.scss’:
end of file reached
Jekyll 4.3.2 Please append --trace to the build command
for any additional information or backtrace.
/usr/gem/gems/sass-embedded-1.69.5-x86_64-linux-musl/lib/sass/embedded/varint.rb:20:in readbyte': end of file reached (EOFError) from /usr/gem/gems/sass-embedded-1.69.5-x86_64-linux-musl/lib/sass/embedded/varint.rb:20:in block in read’
from /usr/gem/gems/sass-embedded-1.69.5-x86_64-linux-musl/lib/sass/embedded/varint.rb:19:in loop' from /usr/gem/gems/sass-embedded-1.69.5-x86_64-linux-musl/lib/sass/embedded/varint.rb:19:in read’
from /usr/gem/gems/sass-embedded-1.69.5-x86_64-linux-musl/lib/sass/embedded/connection.rb:29:in block (2 levels) in initialize' from /usr/gem/gems/sass-embedded-1.69.5-x86_64-linux-musl/lib/sass/embedded/connection.rb:28:in loop’
from /usr/gem/gems/sass-embedded-1.69.5-x86_64-linux-musl/lib/sass/embedded/connection.rb:28:in `block in initialize’
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.

I assume this is related to some kind of Jekyll version update, since it worked fine previously (> 7 months ago).
So far, this did not significantly influence my final deployment.
However, it is annoying after a while to always see failed checks.
I should also mention that I am not an expert on Jekyll, so any help is appreciated.

This is the content of my jekyll.yml file:

name: Jekyll site CI

branches: [ master ]
branches: [ master ]


runs-on: ubuntu-latest

- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Build the site in the jekyll/builder container
  run: |
    docker run \
    -v ${{ github.workspace }}:/srv/jekyll -v ${{ github.workspace }}/_site:/srv/jekyll/_site \
    jekyll/builder:latest /bin/bash -c "chmod -R 777 /srv/jekyll && jekyll build --future"