Comments, Facebook group, or other?

Should I find a way to add comments to my Jekyll site? Start a Facebook group for it? Other better suggestions?

The site is

Buffalo, NY

Two options:

Thanks for the suggestions.

My website is a non-technical site about hiking. I don’t see anything on the Github Discussions page that says the discussions are limited to developer discussions, but that’s the obvious intent.

over the years I have seen a handful of clever comment solutions but they never seem to last. I’ve tried disqus and facebook and took them both off partly for lack of interest and partly cause I didn’t like them.

Your site is interesting and comments could really add some value I think, but anywhere you have comments you are going to have spam and the things you have to do to get rid of the spam are generally a pain.

There is people doing it with Mastodon: Client-side comments with Mastodon on a static Jekyll website - Jan Wildeboer’s Blog

I didn’t have the time to try but I like the idea.