Can display collections only on some pages

I’ve been banging my head against the wall trying to get collections to display correctly. My end goal is to have a single page which has a small gallery-style collection of links to .md files (like Portfolio - Minimal Mistakes), however I want to display multiple categories, e.g., a heading with “portfolio one” and then the gallery-style collection of links to portfolio one .md links, then the same for “portfolio two”, and so on.

However, I cannot get collections or categories thereof to display correctly, and I do not understand what the problem is. Am I missing some processing loop somewhere or missing some syntax somewhere? Individual posts seem to get created, but not the collection pages.

Here is the associated GitHub repo: GitHub - tfburns/tfburns-minimal-mistakes: 📐 Jekyll theme for building a personal site, blog, project documentation, or portfolio.

The examples of the recipes-archive and collection-archive-grid pages load correctly from the _recipes and _research folders, but the research page doesn’t load correctly.

Any tips or clarifications are appreciated.

maybe cause the layout is set to home on the research page?

can you be more specific as to what page is the issue, and which page works? I assume this was in the pages folder but not sure about that.

Ahh, right, okay. In the pages folder, I changed the layout to collection on now, and it displays those items. But when I set the layout to categories on it is still blank.