Automatically fix links


Controlling links in Jekyll honestly is really a mess and if you want to be able to host your site in a sub-folder you need to prepend {{ site.baseurl }} for each link.

So I’d like to know if there is a plugin or something that automatically prepends site.baseurl to each link.


It sounds like you are spending a lot of time creating variables to build the url, but in general, you do not have to do that.

To get what you want, you should pipe in a filter for the relative_url or absolute_url.

Relative url

<a href="{{- '/mypages/support.html' | relative_url -}}">Visit our support page</a>

The final result for the url could look something like this:


Absolute url

Alternatively, you can use the absolute_url filter, like this:

<a href="{{- '/mypages/support.html' | absolute_url -}}">Visit our support page</a>

The final result for the url could look something like this:

Further reading

You will of course need to do the one-time configuration of setting up your _conifg.yml file with the base_url and url. There’s an excellent definition of all this on the the official Jekyll documentation site:

Well that’s already better and that will definitely help me, so thanks! :+1:

But we still need to put that | relative_url which can be a pain when having a lot of assets

Note : that doesn’t work with jekyll-multiple-languages-plugin

Maybe I could make a plugin that automatically detects if there is a / at the beginning of the URL and prepend the relative or absolute URL if so :thinking: