Absolute beginner

Hi roadie,
OK that is good news. :wink: But what means everything? Lets say, I just want to craete a very simple website. In HTML it would have - lets say - two pages and a style.css. The pages would be:

  • index.html (content: ā€œHello worldā€)
  • a subfolder and inide of it another site e.g.- subsite1.html (content: ā€œI am a subsiteā€)
  • style.css(content: body, div, p {font-size: 12px; color: #000;} )

So if you just tell me which files i have to upload in such a case, I think, I can continue on my own.


[UPDATE] Both of my hosters denied, that I can run Jekyll on a shared server. They said, that I will have to rent my own server. That is nor very helpfull, cause it is both expensive and needs much more work then just bookiing a shared hosting.

So if there is any possibility of avoiding to rent a server for running Jekyll in the web, please inform me.