How do I install Jekyll for Windows 7, exactly. The reason I ask is because it expects me to make Make and links to a Page for GNU which has source that won’t compile and binaries made in 2006 that require a gettext dll that has a 3 in it, so libintl3.dll for example. When I download gettext I have libintl-8.dll.
So for the installation page, can it please be updated. I have no 0, zip, zilch knowledge of how to compile make using C code and from the looks of it it’s for Windows NT, even the .bat file has a comment in it that it’s for Windows NT.
It’s already frustrating to upload pages to GitHub wait for them to render it and then refresh the page over, and over, and over, and over, 12 times to finally get it right, and then on top of that, to try to install it locally to follow some videos I was linked to that have excellent tutorials by Thomas Bradley, only to find out I don’t have all the requirements is extremely disappointing.
Thanks I appreciate you taking the time to type that up. I’ll switch to Linux after Microsoft makes an official Windows product with a Linux shell. I’m just not going to keep posting questions here because it’s just not a Windows friendly environment.
I have tried my best to be polite despite my frustration. However, I’m looking for solutions I can use with Windows. I’ll have to look at those Ruby whatever guidelines that I saw for the Jekyll GitHub page, I’ll refer them to this post.
However, abandoning Jekyll over some Windows issues seems like the wrong way around. Using Windows for web development requires you to jump through hoops more often than not. I would advice you to just roll with it, or switch OS (even if that is just in a virtual machine). Nevertheless, this is completely up to you.
I have written some documentation on how to use Jekyll without touching the command-line (doing it by using the browser only, so it is completely platform independent). This process requires you to use CloudCannon. It can be found here:
Thanks I’ll see what I can find. I appreciate you trying to help, I do but I’m finding online help to be a bit odd. I normally don’t search for online help I just don’t do things if I can’t figure it out.
What I am finding odd is that if I join a Python channel to learn Python once I tell them I use PyCharm they tell me it’s inferior use Vim. If I tell them I’m programming in 2.7.x then they tell me that Python 3 was released a long time ago, everything is updated now, and that 2.7 will be phased out by 2020 (or something like that) and then they link me to a meme with expletives that basically tells me to upgrade, but emphasizes that I am an idiot for staying with 2.7 and that I need to upgrade. So in the end instead of finding a learning environment all I got was someones opinion of what I should do.
People know of the golden rule, treat others as you want to be treated. Well I’m not doing that very well because I’m frustrated. So I am being a little difficult if not sarcastic with my questions. However, I am human. It just doesn’t make me a bad person to be frustrated trying to start with no knowledge of something and teach myself how to use it and the only way is to repeatedly upload to GitHub.
I like the platinum rule a bit more, and I’m not following it either much to my disappointment with myself. The platinum rule is treat others the way they want to be treated. So, getting all this set up by making accounts on websites I am unfamiliar with, or downloading programs from sources I am unfamiliar with just doesn’t work for me.
If GitHub uses jekyll to host their gh-pages then there should be an easy install from a fairly well known source that with one installer that sets up what I need. I work on projects that don’t include MS binaries or other binaries from other sources and I usually don’t pack them but the installer does automatically download them. So in the end it’s user friendly and sets up what they need, with one simple easy to use installer.
No problem man! And almost everything is opinionated. A bummer… but true, unfortunately.
Stay positive! If you cannot find a good manual for Windows 7, then please try a VM on Windows (using VirtualBox for example). It is easier than you think (I have done so many times myself). Virtual machines are really great.
Thank you. I haven’t found a guide yet, and my solution would cause me to be a bit hypocritical in that it does require a specific environment and a specific program and version. It appears that the Professional version of Pycharm has plugins for things like less, css, scss-lint, markdown, and the other components used with Jekyll. I have most of them installed and I’m starting to be able to see what the resulting page would look like. If it’s the markdown file then I see exactly what it will look like. I think my only obstacle is being able to run Jekyll to process the files into the HTML files that if I understand correctly end up in the _site folder. I think once I can do that I should be good. I’m crossing my fingers. Although installing it was a bit of an adventure since it required Ruby. However, it looks like Ruby and a few of the other projects are from reliable sources.
I have lots of sad feels about the Jekyll experience on Windows. @ashmaroli and others have helped us tremendously ensure our Windows CI (AppVeyor) is all working, and that our code runs on Windows. Unfortunately, the Ruby runtime has a really bad track record of installing and running on Windows.
For Windows 7, I’m not entirely sure. The RubyInstaller should help a lot, then there are some things to tweak in your Environment settings for %PATH%, then I think you can run gem install bundler then bundle install inside your Jekyll site with a Gemfile in it.
The CloudCannon folks have a screencast for Windows, but I think it’s also Windows 10
Windows 10 has that as a thing already? Wow. I will have to look into that. I never had an issue with Linux/Unix the same as I don’t mind Dos, but at the end of the day all the programs I use run from Windows so I kind of have to have it. Thanks for letting me know that if I used Windows 10 I would have access to that.
@parkr Yes I think that’s the step I am on now. I did find enough links on the Pycharm website to install commands like gem install sass and npm install -g less and I think I even used something like gem install scss-lint at some point. So I will have to try installing the bundler today and then look some more for what else I need.
I run jekyll on windows 10 and was using it with win 7 before that, never had any problems really - I use the regular command prompt or powershell - not using the newish bash terminal.
Last time I set it up I just installed ruby and then did gem install jekyll and I think it worked fine as I remember.
I also don’t use bundller so maybe that makes it simpler.
I will try that @rdyar and see what happens. I don’t want to reject the help at those links but they say I need Bash on Ubuntu on Windows enabled. So I wonder if I have an alternative already because I have MySysGit which gives me GitBash, TortoiseGit, and Git For windows. So one way or another I should have some Git type thing installed that would help. I have not tried the bundler or using gem install jekyll yet. I’m going to try those today. Now I wish I had written this all down as it might be helpful to share what I did.
git isn’t required for jekyll, but yes you will want it too so you can use version control.
The one thing that I had trouble understanding was the Path stuff - you have to put the path to ruby in your Path - do you understand how to do that?
Right click on My Computer >> Properties >> Advanced >> Environment Variables >> System Variables or User Variables >> Path
double click on Path and enter the path to the bin for Ruby, mine is C:\Ruby22-x64\bin - this is what makes ruby commands available from a command prompt.
Now I have jekyll installed and it shows up in my Ruby Bin folder with jekyll.bat, and I do have the bundler installed that parkr mentioned. From Pycharm there is a terminal window, which is like a Dos prompt. I am in my site folder where I have _config.yml. So if I type jekyll build it will start to process the site.
Configuration file: D:/xEdit-Wiki/_config.yml
Deprecation: The 'gems' configuration option has been renamed to 'plugins'. Please update your config file accordingly.
jekyll 3.6.2 | Error: The jekyll-theme-cayman theme could not be found.
So it’s sort of working. I know where I installed the cayman theme, but for my repository I only have assets, _sass, _layouts, and _includes so not sure how to get jekyll to continue from this point but I am on the brink of being able to do this. I have been installing things from documents on the pycharm website using mostly gem that comes with Ruby. I wish there was a way to say gem install --manifest-list that would show me what I have installed and could share it with others.
This is where I cloned the Caymen theme: D:\cayman\{{all the files like _scss and _layouts}}
This is where I cloned my repository: D:\xEdit-Wiki\{{all the files like _scss and _layouts}}
Any tips on how to get jekyll.bat to see the caymen theme I am using in _config.yml?
My goal is to run jekyll build on my local machine and have the files saved into _site so that I can view them in a browser and see what it will look like before committing the change to GitHub.
Hello @Sharlikran, guess what, I’m a non-novice Jekyll user (around 18months) running Ruby 2.3 on Windows 7… I will try and help you start Jekylling like a charm…
Thanks @ashmaroli the status of where I am at is as I listed in my last two posts. If I want to see what everything looks like prior to committing to GitHub I am simply typing jekyll build and I get the error listed.
I understand that your Jekyll project is in D:\xEdit-Wiki\ Since you do not have a Gemfile in your project directory, you’ll face difficulty in installing the necessary dependencies.
Doesn’t matter, we’ll continue as is…
follow the steps below and post back here…
The error jekyll 3.6.2 | Error: The jekyll-theme-cayman theme could not be found. means that Jekyll couldn’t locate the jekyll-theme-cayman theme-gem on your Windows 7 machine.
Install it by running the following:
gem install jekyll-theme-cayman
Hopefully, you’ve every other ‘gem’ required, so lets try again. Now, run the following
jekyll serve
This will start the Jekyll server mounted on http://localhost:4000/xEdit-Wiki/
because your config file has baseurl: /xEdit-Wiki
Open your browser and goto http://localhost:4000/xEdit-Wiki/