I created collection for portfolio contents in my Jekyll and I am currently able to list all images from any folder with this guide. But there are image files named with @2x for displaying sharp images on high density displays like on this screenshot.
So how do I exclude @2x image files in gallery and put in srcset=""
property in <img>
tag for generating responsive image gallery.
This is my sample .md
layout: work-detail
{% include screenshot.html folder="/images-folder/" %}
This is include file for generating gallery:
<div class="screenshot screenshot--grid">
{% for file in site.static_files %}
{% if file.path contains include.folder %}
{% if file.extname == '.jpg' or
file.extname == '.jpeg' or
file.extname == '.JPG' or
file.extname == '.png' or
file.extname == '.PNG' or
file.extname == '.JPEG' %}
{% assign filenameparts = file.path | split: "/" %}
{% assign filename = filenameparts | last | replace: file.extname,"" %}
<img src="{{ file.path }}" alt="">
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}