Trying to add a plugin to my post

You nailed it! I am using minima and I was able to create a local post template and Jekyll was reading the local copy as you described. The open-embed plugin still didn’t work for me… But then I found a post of a guy explaining that markdown is just converted into html in the end and said I can just use basic html5 syntax right in my markdown file. I grabbed a super basic html audio embed code snippet and it is all up and running now:

<audio src="/assets/2018-03-21/name-of-song.mp3" controls loop> Unable to load song. </audio>

Thanks for the help everyone!

EDIT: I actually have been getting very inconsistent playback from the audio player. When going between two posts, the audio controller breaks… If I start the website up and go to only one of the two blogs, the song (unique to that blog) will play just fine. I can refresh the page, skip around in the song, and it all just works. The second I go to a different blog post, the audio controllers get messed up until I restart the server. The behavior is pretty consistent regardless of which blog post I start with.

Start on blog A, blog_song_A.mp3 works. Go to B, blog_song_B.mp3 works, but blog_song_A.mp3 is now broken until I restart the server.

–I go restart server–

Start on blog B, blog_song_B.mp3 works. Go to A, blog_song_A.mp3 works, but blog_song_B.mp3 is now broken until I restart the server.