Best CMS for Jekyll sites

What is the best CMS for Jekyll sites? Been playing with Forestry and it seem nice. It also saves and builds silently which is great for clients. I build sites for small business owners so looking for best experience for them. Is forestry the best or anything else I should look at?

NetlifyCMS is the best.

It’s free and open source.

Netlify CMS looks great also. Just curious what makes it better than Forestry or CloudCannon?

They’re all different and have specific features, e.g.:

Forestry has a nice free plan, has Front Matter templates, blocks, instant previews, and menus, integration with Cloudinary and S3 for image management. It’s my favourite.

Netlify CMS is open source, has a publication workflow based on GitHub and custom preview, it’s also extensible and customizable if you know React.

CloudCannon has front-end visual editing,
There’s no absolute best, it’s up to your clients to which one they prefer and what you expect from your CMS.

You can find a whole list on

And there’s also API based Headless CMS like Prismic, Contentful , Sanity or Strapi if you have to publish content to different endpoints (website, app, IoT, etc.) through a Content API.


Thanks so much. These all look great.

I liked it very much until I started using it from my mobile. It would be great if they make the site responsive (device agnostic).