What's new in Jekyll 4?

Hey Jekyllers,

We just released a post of all the awesome new things in Jekyll 4 - https://cloudcannon.com/jekyll/2019/09/03/whats-new-jekyll-4/. Did I miss anything?


First of all, a huge thanks for Cloud Cannon’s continuing patronage.

  • Gemfile, its lockfile, node_modules/ and certain subdirectories inside vendor/ are always excluded from the build irrespective of the exclude: configuration at source. Power users will have to explicitly include a path (or glob) if they wish to include certain file(s) from within those directories.
  • jekyll-sass-converter-2.0.0 (and higher) which is installed along with Jekyll 4.0 generates sourcemaps for the Sass partials by default.
  • Theme developers can now bundle a _config.yml in their gems to provide theme-specific configuration. (New users need not have to copy those settings from the theme’s source repository unless they wish to override those settings)
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Nice article !
And thx for sponsoring :slight_smile: