Following are the top level headings falling under site
, and below that the code I used to find that (along with code for exposing
and site.posts
headings. you should be able to determine the rest of whatever you are looking for, from here.
top level site.{{variable}}
time, documents, related_posts, config, data, pages, tags, posts, static_files, categories, collections, html_pages, source, destination, collections_dir, plugins_dir, layouts_dir, data_dir, includes_dir, safe, include, exclude, keep_files, encoding, markdown_ext, strict_front_matter, show_drafts, limit_posts, future, unpublished, whitelist, plugins, markdown, highlighter, lsi, excerpt_separator, incremental, detach, port, host, baseurl, show_dir_listing, permalink, paginate_path, timezone, quiet, verbose, defaults, liquid, rdiscount, redcarpet, kramdown, jailed, theme, minimal_mistakes_skin, locale, title, title_separator, name, description, url, repository, github, teaser, logo, masthead_title, words_per_minute, comments, staticman, reCaptcha, atom_feed, search, search_provider, algolia, google, google_site_verification, bing_site_verification, yandex_site_verification, naver_site_verification, twitter, facebook, og_image, social, analytics, author, footer, sass, paginate, jekyll-mentions, category_archive, tag_archive, compress_html, livereload_port, serving, watch, gist
The folowing code exposes the names of top level items in site
, site.posts
, and
title: "site data"
permalink: /data/
layout: archive
## _site
{% for item in site %}
{{ item[0] | inspect }}
{% endfor %}
## _site/_posts
{% for item in site.posts %}
{{ item.first }}
{% endfor %}
### _site/data
{% for item in %}
{{ item[0] }}
{% endfor %}