What asset pipeline for Jekyll?

What asset pipeline do people use with Jekyll?

I have seen there is Jekyll-asset-pipeline (GitHub - matthodan/jekyll-asset-pipeline: Powerful asset pipeline for Jekyll that collects, converts and compresses JavaScript and CSS assets) but this project seems abandoned.
The project lists this post as its “website”: https://matthodan.com/2012/11/22/jekyll-asset-pipeline.html and this points to a blog that seems to be deleted.

I’m not aware of any that are recently mentioned - this used to be popular but I never hear anything about it now:

At one point I separated out the css,js and img handling from jekyll and handled it on my own via Gulp. You can also do something similar with NPM. It actually worked really well.

Here is some info on what I did though it is fairly old:

I am too afraid of node/NPM. I want all my jekyll sites to be low maintenance and it seems node is a whole new world I need to understand, so would like to avoid a dependency on it. Although I see that it is so widely used in all kinds of projects that I probably have to figure it out at some point…

Thanks for the link, I will check out what you did there.