Modern asset plugin?

I’ve been using GitHub - envygeeks/jekyll-assets: 🎨 Asset pipelines for Jekyll. and it has been very useful plugin that everything one can think of.

Lately I’m having troubles updating sites that uses this plugin due-to incompatibility with dependencies.
I’m deploying on AWS and build runs on Lambda. Every few months AWS retire older versions of Ruby so it seems I’m not going to be able to use this plugin for much long.

Being able to Concatenate, minify, compress randomize etc all the types of assets is very helpful.

Anyone using a more modern plugin that does all that magic?

The gem jekyll-minifier does the trick for HTML, XML, CSS, JS files (compress, remove comments or useless spaces, strip attributes…).

If you want a single CSS use SCSS, the final file might be compressed by Jekyll.

The compress layout may serve for much of what you need.