I’m obviously not understanding something key with Jekyll.
Each .md file in my _posts folder will be a portfolio item. Each portfolio item has a date, title, description, thumbnail, etc. All of that works fine for each project when I loop through the items. What I’d LIKE to do, is auto-generate a button, that gets its href from the url in the front matter.
But whenever I try this, the url instead becomes something like “http://localhost:4000/portfolio/2016/06/01/plan-it.html”
Here’s my loop:
{% for items in site.categories.portfolio %}
<a href="{{items.url}}" data-largesrc="images/portfolio/{{items.mainImage}}" data-title="{{items.title}}" data-description="{{items.description}}
<span class='client'><strong>Client: </strong>{{items.client}}</span>
<span class='role'><strong>Role: </strong>{{items.role}}</span>
<span class='year'><strong>Launched: </strong>{{items:launchDate}}</span>">
<img src="images/portfolio/thumbs/{{items.thumbnail}}" alt="img09" />
{% endfor %}
Thanks! - Bill