Hi all… my first post of many I’m sure
not really sure yet what all this GitHub / Liquid etc is… never done it before but now stuck into all sorts of youtube vids etc while the mrs is out so forgive me if this sounds really lame “Oh everyone knows thee answer to this one!” type of a question…
I’m new to Jekyll as of 3 days… I have a project that I thought to start last week using php incudes rather than a database an while searching the net stumbled upon Jekyll and It’s just what I need.
I have removed the original theme minima from gems/config etc - copied pasted layout structure etc and the front index page loads fine with my custom css displaying on a Jekyll serve etc…
However… I have the following code on home.html as I am now trying to load separate bits into the front index page from includes…
<div class="col-4">
{% include /frontpage/column1.html %}
with column1.html living in the includes folder “_includes/frontpage/” structure
with this content inside column1.html …
<p><a class="button button1" href="{{ site.baseurl }}/history/my-new-history-page.html" style="width: 100%;"> History »</a>
with of course a separate folder then in root of history/my-new-history-page.html
I’ve also tried without site.baseurl and another try with …/history etc etc…
column1.html does display on my index.html so that path is fine… is just the link to url showing a 404…
I have also tried simply displaying the link straight n the home page… the button appears but again when clicked “404…”
really struggling to get my head round what I think will probably be a really simple Path solution but there ya go… I’m baffled…
Any help appreciated or better explanation if you need…
many thanx advance…