I’m in urgent need of help. As you guys can see in the screenshots I have declared the variables properly and I have set them values in the front-matter of the YAML file. But it is not resolving the variables as expected. I checked the path for the image and everything but still don’t know what’s happening it is not generating at all.
Hi, please explain better what you see vs. what you expect to see in more detail. It is hard to read screen captures without a more detailed explanation.
A section on the page says INR / -, and you would expect to see a price there. Is that the issue (or one of the issues)?
Best I can tell, the reason some of your variables are not displaying is because you are not using the page object.
{{ aprice }}
{{ page.aprice }}
And now the code should display the proper value. If you have other similar values not displaying, use that same fix where you prefix the YAML front matter value with page.