About the syntax highlighting in Jekyll , how it’ll appear on site. I observed that there are couple of ways we can do this like what jekyll
introduced or markdown style. Now, as familiar for me and comfortable i like to use markdown style. Now, when i view the outcome on web i found like following - Is this how it appear ? I mean, just take a look the border around code and moreover the syntax is like more foggy or unclear. The same look appear if i use jekyll
style though.
Here is my _config.yml
# The release of Jekyll Now that you're using
version: v1.2.0
theme: minima
# Jekyll 3 now only supports Kramdown for Markdown
# Use GitHub flavored markdown, including triple backtick fenced code blocks
input: GFM
# Jekyll 3 and GitHub Pages now only support rouge for syntax highlighting
syntax_highlighter: pygments #rouge
# Use existing pygments syntax highlighting css
css_class: 'highlight'
# Set the Sass partials directory, as we're using @imports
style: :expanded # You might prefer to minify using :compressed